February 2017 Status Update

There haven’t been any posts here in the last three months, but there has never been a busier time for Oklahoma State University Rocketry!

I’ll split this post into separate entries throughout the week, but for the time being, I’ll provide an overview of all things happening for the team:

·         This weekend on February 11th, 2017 we had our first launch of the year in Argonia, KS. It was a massive success, and I’ll provide an extensive synopsis of the day’s events soon.

·         Our team currently has two new Level 2 certified fliers, and six new Level 1 certified flyers because of this weekend’s launch.

·         We have several fundraising opportunities lined up. From working concessions at a basketball game to receiving a portion of proceeds collected at a local restaurant, we are becoming a presence in the Stillwater community.

·         We’re looking at how to best receive donations and secure sponsorships from local businesses and organizations. I spent the holidays preparing a sponsorship document, and while there is legal terminology that will be included, we hope to have that available soon so that we can lock in longer-term funding from real companies.

·         Our team has restructured to instead focus more directly on the Argonia Cup in April and the Spaceport America Cup in June. We have a group for each, and they are making rapid progress to making those competitive technologies achieve fruition. We expect 3D printing to make a big impact on developing smaller-scale prototypes for wind tunnel testing.

·         I’ve looked into creating our own website, and while still tied through OSU, we’ll have our team’s history, team members' profiles, launch schedules, rocket gallery, sponsorship information, and photos and videos!

Throughout the week, I'll post photos of the weekend's launch as well as explain its significance. Stay tuned!
