Rocket 1 (un-named) Nearly Flight-Ready

Great progress on all ends of OSU’s AIAA High-Power Rocketry Team! We received Co-Sponsorship for the Student Government Organization (SGA), which grants us $1500 to use for entering IREC. This is some good startup capital while we build our sponsorship package to seek additional funding from companies and local businesses.

Our DX3 kit is nearing completion. We will allow this week for pre-flight checks and painting. We have yet to come up with a name however, but next Sunday when we drive to Tulsa to launch, I’ll post plenty of photos.

This past week also presented an exciting new development: when cleaning out rocket materials from another lab on campus, I found an unopened 4” Madcow Patriot kit with an electronics bay included. With our faculty advisor’s suggestion, I’m going to use that kit to attempt my Level 1 Certification (again) next week in Tulsa. Most other clubs have the resources to certify all of their members, but we are not yet at that point. I was a bit cautious in asking all the club members if they’d be ok with me doing this, but they were all very supportive! So, in addition to us building a rocket as a club, I’m also doing one on my own as to reattempt certification next week.
If there is even a hint of wind gusts, we will scrub for the day. I learned my lesson on that one!
