Update: 9/24/16

We’re moving right along with our rocketry program! Last week we received our first kit, a Madcow DX3 that we’ll use as our foundation for the entire program. Not only will it give us group experience in assembly, but once we launch, we will use this first rocket as the cornerstone to building a sponsorship package we’ll use to seek funding.

On Tuesday evening this week, we met in the DML (Design Manufacture Lab where most of our work will be done in the evenings or on weekends because of people’s schedules), and with our kit in front of us, I led a tutorial in OpenRocket. We measured all of the pieces and dimensioned them into the software program so everyone could get a feel for the program. A number of us are still going through safety training for the DML facility, but we intend to begin assembly with epoxy next week. We still aren’t certain when or where we will launch, but that should also be resolved here within the coming week.

Not explicitly related to rockets, Thursday morning I got a ride with a classmate to OSU’s Unmanned Aircraft Flight Station twenty minutes outside of Stillwater. A number of graduate students were doing some flight testing that day, and I got to tag along. This facility is where Speedfest is hosted each spring and is also used for flight research throughout the year. One test of particular interest was some software that had multiple quadcopters following a specified leader to form various aerial formations. It was quite exciting to see a “swarm,” as they are called, of four drones follow a fifth leader and then autonomously form a column above that leader several hundred feet high.

This semester has been unique on so many levels compared to my previous four semesters at the university. The focus of the first two years is certainly classes, but now that I have passed the weed-out courses, the material isn’t as homework-heavy. With a lessened workload, it has allowed me to invest more time and energy in involvements outside of the classroom. Another observation over the last two years includes an ever-changing definition of the words “busy” and “tough” as far as managing such a schedule in college. I thought freshman year was difficult (and it was, at the time), but each subsequent semester only allows me to push myself further and accomplish more. I’ve never felt more focused and driven, and those qualities seem to increase with each week. It is tremendously exciting, exhilarating almost, that I am always learning about what I’m capable of. By the same token, there are times throughout each week when I’m positively overwhelmed and anxious, but fortunately, those moments are only very brief. It keeps things in perspective that way.
