First Weeks of College & Senior Year of High School

It feels as though it’s been a while since I’ve done this.
I’m close to my 4th week of college here at Oklahoma State. I arrived on the 12th of August and throughout that first week I attended various OSU Welcome Week sessions that discussed campus life, study habits, getting involved in clubs and organizations, and starting a career while still a student. They were interesting lessons, but I was glad to begin classes on the 18th. Since then I haven’t had too much studying to do. I’m on the intramural ultimate and water polo teams, and I met a fellow ex-swimmer, John, with whom I do a workout with a few times a week. All in all, I like college so far, and I look forward to meeting new people and getting deeper into my studies.
Family Photo before my departure

The view from my dorm room, 11 floors up!

I can’t believe that it has been over 2 years since I left for my exchange in Austria. I was actually looking at some of the photos from my blog this evening, and it felt like a whole different person’s writing and a whole different person’s experiences. I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing.

My senior year of high school seemed to go by faster than did my year abroad, but it certainly wasn’t as life-changing. It was a ton of work first semester in applying to college, practicing and taking the ACT, swimming, staying involved in scouting, and regular homework, but fortunately 2nd semester eased up a bit, making my final months of high school enjoyable. I turned 18, got my driver’s license, made my college decision, finished out my swimming “career,” had my Eagle Scout Court of Honor, had an amazing prom, scored well on my AP exams, and finally graduated. In the summer I got my first job as a camp counselor at Camp Rockefeller, Gus Blass Scout Reservation. I was staff on the S.T.E.M. Program, teaching the merit badges for Astronomy, Space Exploration, Engineering, and Robotics. I absolutely loved it. I intend to work there again next summer, and I’m already looking forward to it. So yeah, it was a pretty involved year upon returning from overseas. I don’t think about Austria all that much, mainly because I discovered pretty quickly that it was painful to reminisce about. I miss it so much. The landscape, the food, the friends, and most of all, my amazing host families. I want to go back, but I just don’t know when that will happen. I haven’t forgotten it, and Austria will always be a part of me. The screws in my knee included. 
