Weekend in Graz

Sorry I haven’t written in a long time; I have been really, really busy.

Last weekend I was in Graz for 5 days. On Friday the 21st I met my counselor, Herr Nestroy, in Knittelfeld, and we drove together to Graz. I had lunch with his family, and in the afternoon we drove to Kumberg, a region outside of Graz with a cool lake/pond for swimming and relaxing. In the evening we went to a concert on the Schloßberg. It was the first of a series of classical concerts playing in the Steiermark throughout the summer; it featured move soundtracks from a lot of older moves, the Lord of the Rings, and Pirates of the Caribbean. The next day I met up with an exchange student from New Zealand, Jess, who was in Graz for a couple days. We walked around and got caught up with everything that has been happening since EuroTour. 

Garden at the Nestroys



After two nights with my counselor, I stayed with Sam and spent Sunday through Tuesday hanging out with exchange students. We walked around the city, got things to eat, and spent time with one another. I saw Man of Steel with Sam, Laura, and an AFS exchange student, Lizze. Coolest movie I’ve seen in a long time! I had a great time in Graz; it was a good last meeting together.

View from the Schloßberg

Johnny came to Knittelfeld on Wednesday, and we spent the day playing clarinet and saxophone together, watching youtube videos, and listening to music. He even came with me to my last clarinet lesson that evening. All three of us did a couple of trios and took turns playing individual pieces for sax and clarinet. It was a good last lesson, but I am sad that they are over.

That is the very abbreviated version of the last week or two. I hope to get back to updating more often again. 
