Post EuroTour

This week after the EuroTour has been great!
I had a wonderful time with the Knauseders on Sunday. It was gorgeous weather; we went swimming in their pool, listened to music, slept in the sun, etc. In the evening my 3rd host family, the Heiders, picked me up after their trip to Italy, and the next day I went back to school. I’ve been doing a lot outside and keeping busy. The water temperature in the outdoor 50m pool is perfect, and I’ve attached a picture of what the atmosphere looks like in the summer! On Tuesday I went to a Rotary meeting and saw the new club president be “inaugurated,” and next week I have my presentation of my exchange year in front of my Rotary Club.

That’s about the update for this week! Tomorrow I have a swim meet here in Knittelfeld! Should be good fun…
Chillin with the Knauseders

The Knittelfeld Pool
