HAGE Speed Trophy in Knittelfeld

Yesterday was my first swim meet since my accident and the last one in Austria (for this year). It was the annual HAGE Speed Trophy hosted in Knittelfeld. I rode my bike to warm ups at about 8:00, just as it began to rain. After warm ups, the sky had cleared, and we had blue skies for most the day. The water was great, and it felt awesome to race outdoors. There were at least 300 swimmers, so the events were just 50’s of each stroke; that worked out well because I was so out of shape, I don’t know if I could have raced much more than that! I had no problems with my knee, and my times weren’t too bad either! In the early afternoon as the meet wrapped up with the relays, my coach announced to the whole facility that this was my final swim meet in Austria and that it was great to have had me train with them throughout this year. I felt honored, and as I swam the first leg of the relay, I thought about how fantastic this year has been swimming-wise. I am really going to miss swimming with this awesome team; fortunately I still have a couple weeks worth of practices!

I came back from the swim meet with a sore throat, and so far it hasn’t gotten much better. I hope it’ll be gone soon because I have a lot to do in the coming weeks!  

I got a haircut too!

After letting it grow out for 3 1/2 months, it needed to be cut...

Much better
