
On Monday we arrived in Florence in the evening, but it wasn’t until the next morning (Tuesday) that we were able to explore the city. We had a guided walking tour from a German guy for about 90 minutes, and he was able to explain to us some of the history and the importance of each church and monument. We then had free time for 2 hours. Crash, Johnny, and I walked around. That is such a general term, but on EuroTour it means we saw all kinds of stores, shops, restaurants, people, buildings, fountains, parks, and took pictures. We went inside the cathedral too and saw some cool markets for Italian made leather items. The weather had also greatly improved, and when the sun is shining, it makes every city prettier. In the early afternoon we had to meet back at our hotel to drive 4 hours to Jesolo, where we spent a total of 2 nights. Jesolo is a small town, but quite commercialized, no doubt due to the beaches being just moments from the hotels. We had dinner in the evening and then free time until 2 am, a first! We all went to the beach (this is still Tuesday by the way), and I went swimming, built a lot of awesome sandcastles with Johnny, and enjoyed myself responsibly. 
