Switching Host Families

I had a pretty interesting week.

I moved back with my second host family, the Haiders, for one final week there. I went to school Wednesday through Friday to see how that works with my leg. It wasn’t much different, but getting to and back from school is a pain. And last Thursday I spend an afternoon with the Knauseders! We at lunch together, sat outside (warmest and sunniest day since September), played some card games, and had dinner. It was great to be with them that day! But during the weekend I got pretty sick. I had a fever one night and then a cold for the 4 days after that. But the last day (Tuesday) with my host family was great. The weather was wonderful. The sun came out, and I was in much better spirits. I went on a walk and in the evening when all my things were packed, I went to a choir concert in Knittelfeld. It was a competition of sorts and most choirs with kids in elementary school. My older host sister, Mirjam sang too but in a group of older students. I really liked that, and it was good to get out of the house and be around some other people! The rest of the evening I chatted with Edith and my host grandparents at the dinner table about lots of things dealing with exchange. I enjoyed that! Then at 22:15, my third host family, the Heiders, picked me up after their Rotary meeting and I officially moved in with them! It was too late to unpack anything, but as my suitcases and bags were sitting in my room, I realized that this is where my exchange will end! 3 months from now, school will be over, and I will be at my grandparents’ house in Germany, my year in Austria done. But now that the weather is getting warmer and winter might finally be done (after 6 ½ months, I’m kind of sick of it!), the rest of this year will be AWESOME. Plus I have Eurotour. That will be epic as well.

I think that covers about everything! Tomorrow I am taking the train with Crash to Vienna! We are going to visit friends, and I have to take the ACT Saturday morning. It’ll be cool! 
