Rotary Weekend....of sorts

Sorry for the delay- internet was down. From Monday, the 22nd. 

I had a really great and busy weekend!
Saturday was pretty chill though. My host parents went on a ski tour in the morning and helped prepare for a Rotary event in the afternoon, so I was alone most of the day. At 16:30, a Rotarian and his wife picked me up (they are also good friends with the Heiders), and we drove to Sangt Lambrecht, a town southeast of Murau, just on the boarder to Kärnten. That evening there was a big concert attended by 3 organizations similar to and including Rotary International. The venue was a 1000 year old palace/castle with many surrounding churches. It was a building very similar to the one in Seckau. The performers in the concert were school students, just about my age. They each played either solos or in small groups, a couple songs. I liked this because it kept things interesting and moving along. Very talented young people! After the concert all the Rotarians went to a nearby restaurant and buffet. At this point it was about 21:00, and I was getting tired. We stayed at the restaurant another 2 hours or so and got back to Knittelfeld at midnight, and then I talked with my parents and sister until 2am.
Sunday was great! I woke up at 8 for breakfast, and then we drove back to Sandt Lambrecht, but that day it was just the members of Rotary. We toured the facility, and at one point something awesome happened. I was about to go up some stairs (I was at the end of the group), and the president of my Rotary club, a highly regarded orthopedic doctor, wanted to show me some exercises to help with my injury. He explained that many doctors make the mistake with leg injuries and say to not put weight on your leg and by extension not let your leg touch the ground at all. He showed me how to roll my bad foot as though I were walking, but my body weight alleviated to the crutches. Before I knew it, he was telling me to gently apply my weight to the leg and ten minutes later I was walking with just one crutch! When the tour group later came back, I showed off what I learned! It was the weirdest feeling ever to be walking again. I expected it to be painful and frustrating, but it felt amazing! The rest of the afternoon I experimented with my leg. The group of Rotarians visited the Murauer beer brewery and then went out to eat a late lunch at a Gasthaus in Murau. During lunch I talked a lot with 2 children of a Rotarian. They were 11 and 12 and very interested in the United States and my exchange. I realized I haven’t talked much with younger kids, and I really liked their facial expressions when I told them some things about life in the US. At about 16:00 Maria, Andi, and I got back to the house. I called Dad on the phone and told him about my therapy “lesson.” He told me I should use my own judgment, but should probably wait until Wednesday (when I can officially start walking). As always, I decided he was right, so I am still using the crutches like I have been the last 6 weeks. I’ve waited 42 days, I can wait another 2. Oh and I forgot to mention that we were joined throughout the weekend by an Italian Rotary club. I talked to a few of them, but with me knowing no Italian, it was difficult!
So that was my super busy weekend! I really enjoyed it! 2 more nights on crutches! :D
