Physical Therapy

Fantastic past 2 days!

Yesterday I had my first physical therapy session in Knittelfeld. It is a spa and wellness center not far from my host family’s house. I met my physical therapist; she is from Germany actually, and was quite interested in my experiences as an exchange student. For now it is massaging to help reduce the swelling and some basic movement back and forth for my knee. I have a total of 7-30 minute sessions I believe, and I hope those help me a lot, especially walking to where it looks normal. To me, it feels ok if I don’t think about it, but I look in a nearby window and mirror, and it is quite another story!

I had another therapy session today which went well too. In the afternoon though, I went to run a few errands with Maria, and I stopped at my second host family’s house to pick up my allergy shots, and we ended up chatting for a while! They were thrilled that I was recovering; I will join them for lunch on Friday for a more in-depth visit! And after that, Maria took me to the pool to try swimming for the first time in almost 8 weeks! The feeling was even better than when I started walking! My swimming was unhampered by my injury, except for the flip turns. That will come later. I hope I can swim a bit more often in the coming weeks before I go back to training.

So that about does it! Lots more to come! 
