Easter Break

Quite a bit happened over the Easter break and since then!  

I spent the Easter break with my 3rd host family. I got situated (but not completely moved in) on March 22nd. I liked it a lot! They helped me out a lot with getting around the house and I even got to take a shower for the first time in 3 weeks (don’t worry I’ve been keeping clean since then too)! Over the break I got to know my host siblings a bit better. Speaking of that, let me introduce my new family, the Heiders. Maria and Andreas are my host parents and cycling enthusiasts. Florian is my host brother, and I have 2 host sisters, Eva and Michaela. Florian and Eva are studying in Graz and Michaela is an incredible skier and goes to a boarding school in Schladming. I like it a lot here, and once I become physically active again, I believe I will fit in quite well!

March 28th was my 17th birthday! I got to celebrate with all of my host families and my Rotary YEO and his family! They all came over to the Heiders for pastries, cake, coffee, and socializing. I had never been with all three of my host families at once, so that was neat. I got some great gifts from them too: a few juggling things, a world atlas (partly for EuroTour), a book about the Steiermark, some letters from home, and a couple other things! Great birthday!

Easter was interesting! I had never celebrated with lots of family before, so that was a new experience! It is a much bigger holiday in Austria than in the United States. We ate no meat the week before, and then for Easter we had plenty!

Some other small things to mention:
·         I’m back with the Haiders, my 2nd host family for another week. On Tuesday I will switch to my 3rd family for the remainder of the year.
·         I’ll be taking the ACT in Vienna on April 13th! It will be good to see some friends and maybe see more of the city!
·         I went to school for the first time in almost 4 weeks today! I got a key for the elevator, and I will try to get back into a daily routine.
·         Exactly 3 weeks from today I will be off crutches! Fortunately the time has passed quickly since my injury! I can’t wait to be walking, swimming, and juggling again!
·         The weather has been pretty miserable lately. It has snowed every morning for the last 6 days and then all melted over the day and rained after that. Still hovering around freezing each day. I hope spring gets here just before I can start walking again!
·         Yesterday I paid for EuroTour! I am really excited and starting to research the places where we will be going!

I think that about covers everything that has been going on with me in the last 2 weeks! I will try to post a little more often, seeing as these last 3 months that I’m here will be the most memorable, I hope! Looking forward to it all! 
