A Warmer Week in April

It has been a pretty great week!

Wednesday was so warm that I was able to juggle outside for the first time since September! It is awkward sitting in a chair, but I loved it! I flashed 6 rings 3 times and juggled clubs for the first time since February! I even got a bit browner from the sun!

On Thursday I drove to Graz with Andi and Maria (my host parents). They attended an event on the Schloßberg, and I met up with Laura and Sam for dinner at Crash’s place! Crash’s host sister, Maggie was there, and they made stuffed bell peppers for us! The apartment had a gorgeous view of Graz (I unfortunately didn’t take any pictures, sorry!), and I liked that it was warm enough to have all the windows open! We had dinner, talked, and then watched part of Ice Age 2. I had a great evening; I hope I can do that more often, visit Graz for an afternoon/evening that is.

Then yesterday I went to school for 2 hours (Fridays are always a little weird) and ran some errands for school with my host parents in Fohnsdorf. At 19:00 we drove to the Kulturhaus in Knittelfeld for a concert of a choir from Graz. They did mostly a capella songs, and one of their sings was a beat boxer. I really liked that and hope I can see a few more small concerts like that during my stay.

I think that about does it! On Wednesday I can start walking! So excited!!!
