
Since my last entry, not a whole lot has been going on. I settled back in with my host family on Friday and it has been a lot better than in the hospital. There are more people to talk to and they have been really caring of me! It wasn’t expected that I would be crippled, and I’ve tried to show my appreciation for their care and helpfulness. Throughout the week I have been messing around on my computer (I started watching The Walking Dead), eating, sleeping, reading books and magazines, and can still juggle! I lie on my back on the floor and can do overhead throws. Not nearly as fun, but at this point, I’ll take it!

Then today I moved in with my 3rd host family. I will be with them for the Easter Break and will be making my final switch in 2 weeks.

Now that I am here, it sort of hit me that this is where I will finish my year abroad. The next 5 weeks will still be on crutches and without athleticism, but once my crutches are gone, I only have 2 months to go! As great as it has been here, I am looking forward to going back to the States. But this could just be my knee talking.

Anyways, I am excited about the warmer weather, going back to school, eventually walking again, swimming, juggling outside, and spring in general! 
