Post Surgery

Yesterday I had surgery for my knee. I slept fine the night before and at about 7:00 they told me I was about ready for it. They took me to the operating room and handled some final checks. They gave me gas through a tube, and I was asleep in minutes. Slept through the procedure and another 4 hours until 15:00. After that,  I just dozed on and off throughout the afternoon and my host families came to visit! My host mother, Edith, pointed out that here in Austria I have 3 mothers that are here for me and in the USA I’d only have one! My doctors told me that the surgery went really well, and I’ll have to stay just another 5 days or so, hopefully no longer than a week. For the rest of my time in the hospital, I am mostly just resting and have physical therapy. This whole experience hasn’t been that bad. I learned that skiing probably isn’t my thing, people and friends who help you out and care about you mean the world, and thank God insurance exists. opH
