Semester Break

Since my last blog post I have not been too busy! I was sick for a week, right before the semester break. I got better though and spend the majority of the break resting at home. On the last day of school for the semester, I got my report card! I got credit in 7 classes with all 1’s and 2’s (A’s and B’s)! Granted, my teachers graded my tests a bit differently than the rest of my class, but being in a foreign country with those grades isn’t too bad!
Report Card!

During the break I went to swim practice a few times and went skiing with a friend of mine, Marco Milcher! It was really cool to go skiing with a friend for once!

I also talked with my counselor at Central over the phone, and we got my schedule all worked out for my senior year this fall! I am planning on taking English 3 PAP, English 4 AP, Pre-cal PAP, Computer Applications, US History AP, Environmental Science AP, French 5 AP, and Physics B AP. It won’t be easy, but without the pressure of marching band or getting my Eagle rank in Boy Scouts, it shouldn’t be too stressful!

That was pretty much my whole break. But now I am motivated for this 2nd semester! I have so much to look forward to: my dad and grandparents coming to visit this weekend, ski camp in Schladming, Easter break, my birthday, switching host families for the last time, and especially EuroTour are all to come in the next 4 months! It’ll be awesome.
 And it has snowed like crazy. In the last 14 hours it has snowed over 4 feet. The pictures were from this morning! I can't tell you how much I ADORE shoveling snow...

Since this picture it has snowed about another 2 feet
