Weekend in Knittelfeld with Crash

I haven’t updated my blog in at least 3 weeks just because not a whole lot has been going on. School is not easy and dull at times but throughout December we have several “schularbeit” exams. I am really excited to be studying for something! Outside of school, swimming is going really well, I am juggling 2 hours a day, ballroom dancing class is almost over but I have enjoyed the course, and I will begin clarinet lessons soon!

Anyways, on Friday, my best friend Crash Ketcham came to Knittelfeld for the weekend! I picked him up from the train station at 22:00 Friday night and on our walk to my house, I showed him some of the town. That night was so conveniently the first night they had the Christmas lights in town turned on! It was really pretty (nothing like the sometimes over-extravagant lights in America), but I think Crash liked that as well. On Saturday I had swim practice and when I returned we ate breakfast and went on a run through the surrounding area and showed him the layout of where I live for the year! The rest of the day we sorta relaxed and watched dance and juggling videos on YouTube. In the evening we watched skiing on TV with my host mother.

So far it has been a great weekend and I look forward to Crash maybe coming back in the spring! 

Crash's blog is http://crashingraz.tumblr.com/ he updates a lot more and is really fun to read! Check it out!
