Monthly Report: October

Just a brief synopsis of my 3rd month as an exchange student! 
Hard to believe that my third month in Austria is already gone!
October was a full packed month of adventure and exciting events! Before I get to the weekends, school is still going quite well. I haven’t made any friends in my class but in the grade below me, I have friends there. It isn’t really a big deal anyhow because I only have 6 classes a day and I am already done at 13:35! I am learning a lot and have plenty to do in each of my courses. My German/Latin teacher helps me a lot with writing and suggests reading material I can check out at the school library. I like math and chemistry the most and I am making headway in French as well.
Outside of school, I am still swimming a lot, juggling, reading with my host mom, running with my host dad, and watching TV shows in German.
Almost every weekend this month was really busy! Beginning on October 14th, I ran in my first half marathon in Graz! My best exchange student friend, Crash, was also running, and so we ran the first 10km together! After three weeks of training with my host dad, I finished in 2:00:08! I was very pleased and it was certainly a highlight of the year so far! The next weekend was another Rotary weekend with all the exchange students in Austria. This time we all met in Vienna, the capital, to see some major tourist destinations and explore the largest city in Austria! That was an interesting experience, and I look forward to returning again for a district conference in the spring. The last weekend in October was my first swim meet of the season! It was in Linz, also a large city, and after 3 days of racing, I had some great, fast swims and got to know the younger kids on the team. I hope I can be a role model they will look up to.  And to conclude the month, I had a 4 day trip with Rotary to Prague, Dresden, and Berlin! These 3 cities are not covered on the EuroTour, and I liked it enough to sign up for the EuroTour in the spring! Berlin was mind-blowing. So much history, but so modern as well. Seeing sections of the Iron Curtain that are still intact was inspirational too.
In conclusion, October was a blend of school, extracurricular activities, and exciting weekends. I continue to look forward to what the rest of this year will bring!

                                                                                  -Lucas Utley


  1. "Like" this summary a lot! So happy you're taking full advantage of all the opportunities offered to you. M.


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