
haven't updated my blog in a while, simply because not a lot is going on. But either way, school is getting quite difficult. The material isn't easy at all, and I am having more difficulty following what is going on, rather than it becoming easier over time. I am really enjoying math and chemistry, however because the language barrier there is almost none. Plus, everything in chemistry we are doing now, I learned last year! Last Wednesday our class went to a short theatre presentation called, “A Picture.” It was from the Vienna theater department and in English. It described the life of an actor who after his debut film wins an Oscar and the very next year another one. But while his success on the set is huge, he has issues with a woman he fell in love with and that in turn leads to his death. I thoroughly enjoyed that!
Outside of school, on Thursday evening, my usual dance class was cancelled, so I went to a concert the Knittelfeld school choir put on. Many of my friends from school sang in it; I had no idea some of them are so musically talented! That was a real treat though.
Swimming is fantastic. That is the only place right now I feel truly comfortable and can forget everything else that is going on. I train everyday and have made a few friends there as well. Our first swim meet is in Linz in 2 weeks. I have never been more excited to race!
That’s about it; I will be in Vienna this time next weekend and it will be great to see all the exchange students again. My first half marathon tomorrow will be lots of fun too! 


  1. Hey guy^^
    Man... I loved that "so musically talented. Treat"- part.
    Thanks for coming! We were so happy to see ya there. I hope you got nice entertained... I mean you paid 15€!! :D

    On tha blood man!


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