Weekend in Graz

The last 5 days I spent with my Rotary Counsellor and his family in the southern part of Austria, in Graz. Graz is the second biggest city in Austria, next to the capital, Vienna. I got here on Thursday the 30th after being with my YEO. I ate dinner with his family and we went on a walk and they showed me a bit of their neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. Then the next day it rained all day but they still showed me some key places in Graz. I got to see a really neat armory too. This one is the Styrian Armory, the largest housing of old time weapons, over 32,000 items including cannons, suits of armor, pistols, muskets, swords, and medieval flails. I also got to see some o the big shopping malls in the area too. Over the next days I also got to go to a violin and piano concert, met one of my friends from the German course- Crash Ketcham (his blog is crashingraz.tumblr.com) for lunch, and went to the swimming pool in Graz. The facility there was incredible- probably the best I've seen. It had an indoor 50m 10 lane lap pool with 1,3, and 5m diving boards and outdoors another 50m lap pool and diving well with platforms all the way up to 10m. I had fun with the 10m! Even did a dive off it!
All in all I got to see various parts of Graz which was really cool, meet my counsellor and his family, and know a bit more of the cities in Steiermark.
I am now finally all moved in with my first host family, exactly 4 weeks after my arrival in this country on August 7th!
