First Day of School

Today was my first day of school! It was really short, only 2 hours long, but I was worn out! I had homeroom for 50 minutes and met some of my classmates and got my schedule for this week. I was going to have to take Latin, German, French, and English, but fortunately, my teacher said I can drop Latin. Right after homeroom, our French teacher came in. (In Austria, us students stay in one classroom and the teachers rotate to each room.) This is my peers’ 5th year of French, and I have only taken 3 so far. It was difficult trying to remember all my French from previous years, let alone trying to learn it now in German. I trust I will catch on fast!
Afterwards the day was done with at school, and I walked home and decided to get some exercise. I rode 10km on my bike, then the same route running, and did it a 3rd time on a bike again! Felt great right before lunch! Later in the afternoon I went over to a friend of my host sister’s and met their exchange student, a girl from Thailand who also goes to my school in Knittelfeld! She is very nice and I look forward to seeing her around school. And finally, at 18:00 I had my first swim practice! I met all the kids on the team; they are all fairly young but seem cool! I felt fantastic being able to train again! The swimming program here seems quite good- plenty of practices and a good coaching staff in a small, well kept swimming facility.
I am very pleased the school year got off to such a great start! I look forward to what this year’s education will bring! 
