Last Weekend of Summer

Since my weekend in Graz, I am now settled into my home in Knittelfeld, with my first host family: Justine, Wolfgang, and Julia Knauseder. I love it here and it feels especially good to not be living out of a suitcase and to be situated with a great family like this! Knittelfeld is a small town in the Steiermark of Austria with about 12000 people. It is a very newly built town because the Allies completely bombed it during World War II due to its railroad industry. Since then, it has been newly built again and I like it very much! Everything is very central to itself; I can ride my bike or walk to school, the swimming pool, grocery stores, shopping, and the bank. The countryside is also very nearby, making it easy to go running or ride my bike.
Since my arrival here on Tuesday, I have been able to relax a bit before I begin school on the 10th. I have gone running with my host dad and ridden bikes, met some of the Knauseder’s family, seen more of the nearby landscape, and got to know my 2nd host sister and a lot of her friends. This gives me some peace of mind to begin school at least having met and seen a few familiar faces!

Yesterday was very exciting because my family and I went on a morning-long hike up a 1822 meter mountain! We woke up fairly early to get an early start. 2 friends came with us for the hike. The hike up was steep but really fun to see more of the mountain range each time we got a higher view! It took the 6 of us about 90 minutes to reach the summit but the trek up wasn’t too bad. At the top was a neat church overlooking the Alps. People were also preparing to paraglide off the mountain, and that was cool to see their jump off and the wind take them away. We took pictures at the top and ate a snack. The way down was actually harder for me than going up because I am not accustomed to the steep descent! Halfway down we stopped at a house in the Alps that served as a kind of restaurant for another break and drinks. I was really tired afterwards, but I had a great time climbing my first real mountain! 
