Monthly Report: September

This is the monthly report I send to my Rotary Club back home. Just a recap of September! 

My second month as an exchange student in Austria is already over! This month flowed much smoother than August did simply because I started school and found a routine that I do each day. I began school on September 10th and that has been quite interesting. It is very difficult even for me. Lots of people told me I would have a much easier time because I already speak fluent German, but if anything, it has been the opposite. My teachers would find out that I could already speak it and then keep speaking very fast in dialect. Other than that, the school material isn't too different from what I would be learning this year back home and I can comprehend a good portion of it, especially in math. I have befriended several students from the grade level below me and I am taking a Nordic walking class and next week will begin a music class as well. Outside of school, I am swimming. A lot. The swimming program here is quite good and intensive! I swim 6-7 times per week and even have some before-school practices. I love the fact that I can ride my bike to every practice as well, to not be reliant on my parents driving me places. On the note of athletics, I am doing way more activity than I did back home. I go running at least 8km a day and ride my bike to and from swim practice and ride to get exercise. And swimming is on top of all that too. Aside from school and sports, I am enrolled in a ballroom dancing class that meets every Thursday. I had no idea they would be this exciting and it is another outlet to make friends. Fall is slowly settling in and the weather is a bit cooler but still pleasant. Last week, the negative culture shock began in small amounts. It hits me from time to time…just mild emotions of exasperation and irritation at some everyday things. When that occurs, I just find things to do to distract myself. Fortunately, no homesickness so far which is a huge plus. In all, this second month of my exchange has been great. I look forward to October and seeing new things and learning new things!                                                                                  
