
Exercise and athletics has become an even bigger part of my life now in Austria. Back home in the U.S, I was used to going to swim practice almost every day and that was all I really did. Granted, it was a lot…miles of swimming after school, but not compared to what I do now. Because of my interest in triathlons that I would like to try in the spring, I am doing a lot more cycling and especially running. In Little Rock, I would ride my bike to friends’ houses or to run errands, but here I do it for exercise. As for running, that was something I would never ever do back home just because I didn’t think I enjoyed it. It has changed tremendously in the last few weeks. I bought some good quality Asics running shoes and now I love it. I run at least 10 km a day now on the streets and on the trails going through the woods. On top of the running and cycling, I still go to swim practice daily for 2 hours and walk to school, and ride my bike to practice. I think part of the reason why I am so much more active now is because the weather is awesome (usually sunny and in the low 20’s) and I have so much more free time. Here, I get out of school at 13:35 every day and I no longer have scouting or an intensive band schedule to keep me occupied, so I go running or cycling and later swimming or else I get bored and cranky. And I have gained about 9 kg since I have been here, but I hope that it is growth. Upwards, not sideways. 

And one of the biggest differences in sports in Austria versus the U.S. is that people here walk or ride bikes everywhere they need to go. They rarely use cars, and these short but consistent amounts of movement keep the people in shape. Plus the diet is different, but that is a different story.  

All in all, I am now much more active now than I was back home, and I am liking the new experience! 
