Day 4

Yesterday was my 3rd day in Austria. I got to ride through the nearby towns on a bike and see some more of the country, this time not from a car window. The air is so fresh and reviving! I got to go to Knittelfeld again to meet my first host family and spend the evening there with them. I arrived at around 16:00 and was introduced to the Knauseder family! They are all great people! Their house is big with a spacious backyard with a badminton net and swimming pool! I have my own room, although I won’t be staying there until 3 weeks from now, after my German language course for 2 weeks. That evening I went to a music festival in the town and met more of their family who also live in Knittelfeld. During the “Music Night” as they call it, I got to see a lot more of the town and where some other things are, restaurants and cafes for instance.
Then today I rode bikes with my host father, Wolfgang, out of Knittelfeld and through some of the valleys in the Alps! One of the best experiences so far!
As great as it is to be able to already speak fluent German, it makes my head hurt so much at the end of the day, and the Austrian dialects don’t help either! I’m already starting to think a little bit in the language though! That’s really interesting…


  1. You know that youre learning more of the language when youre thinking in that language!!


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