German Langauge Course

I have now been in Austria for just over 3 weeks. The last 2 weeks I was at a German Language Course in Altmünster, just NE of Salzburg. It truly was a fantastic time. I learned a lot, mostly about German grammar and writing. This helped my writing skills tremendously; I can now communicate with my parents and family in Germany without writing in English. I also had some great experiences at the camp outside of learning the language. Altmünster is situated on the Traunsee, a very chilly lake on the edge of the Alps. Each day groups of us would go into town there and swim or go shopping or lay out on the beach. One time, my friends, Crash, Jackson, Julien, Simon, and I went to Gmunden from Altmünster. They walked there, while I swam the 4 km there through the Truansee! That was really fun to do some open water swimming.
Then halfway through the camp, we had morning classes and then in the afternoon we took a hike up a nearby mountain and met at the top where there was a really cool restaurant where we relaxed a bit and took pictures with everyone overlooking the Alps and the lake. The rebounds who came back to Austria from being abroad were with us. Then the next day on Sunday, the 19th, we drove to Hallstatt, a tourist town about an hour away on a big travel bus. Once there we toured the Hallstatt Salt Mines, the oldest salt mine in the world. In the tour we learned all about how the mine was formed in Earth’s history and how people first discovered it over 7000 years ago. Then later that day we were allowed to explore the town. It was very nice there; also on the shores of another lake, like Gmunden. Then during the second week of the course it was pretty much the same routine with still very pleasant weather. Now that it is over, I really miss it! I made lots of new friends and look forward to seeing them again in a few weeks when we meet again for a weekend hike in Tauplitz! School starts September 10th and I am very excited about it!


  1. I had to gasp when I read you swam 4 kms through the coldest lake in Austria! Do folks commonly do that? Mom


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